Rules and Guidelines have been updatedDownload the updated version: PROGRAM-FLOW-RULES-and-GUIDELINES.pdf


Rules and Guidelines for TeamTok Content Creation

  1. All participants must be a bonafide undergraduate students of West Visayas State University - College of Information, Communications and Technology and are enrolled in the first semester of the Academic Year 2021 - 2022.
  2. There will only be a maximum of 3 entries per team.
  3. Contest is open to all the participating teams of CYBERGENCE 2021.
  4. The TEAMTOK CONTENT CREATION should highlight the concept of “Face-to-Face versus Online Setup Scenarios” through humor and creativity.
  5. The duration of the final output must be at least 1 minute and must not exceed 3 minutes.
  6. The use of existing Tiktok videos or old outputs are not allowed.
  7. The video content shall not contain any vulgar or profane language, and participants must observe appropriateness in their clothing.
  8. Upon submission of all teams, each entry will be reviewed and will be posted in our official Facebook page; CICT Student Council ( on November 11, 2021(9:00AM) and cut-off date for the “HAHA” reactions count will be on November 12, 2021 (9:00AM).
  9. Submission of entries will be sent through your assigned facilitators and entries shall be in PNG or JPEG format with the following details to be included:
    • a.Group name:
    • b.Facilitator:
    • c.Title of the Entry:
    • d.Short Description of the Entry:
  10. The decision of Judges will be final and irrevocable.
  11. Winners will be announced on the actual Acquaintance Party.
  12. Entries that does not follow the Rules and Guidelines are subject for disqualification.

Criteria for Judging

Concept/Relevance - (Creativity, Originality, and Message)40%
Character and Dialogue - (Acting, Portrayal, and Mastery)25%
Overall Visual Impact - (Video Quality, Attire, and Artistry)15%
Social Media Reactions - (Total count of "Haha" reactions on Facebook)20%